May 9, 2019May 9, 2020John Pennington Brewing up nicely: Cambodia’s rapidly growing taste for craft beer (ASEAN TODAY)
March 6, 2019April 28, 2020John Pennington Assessing the damage: What will Brexit mean for ASEAN’s developing economies? (ASEAN TODAY)
March 5, 2019April 28, 2020John Pennington A brain drain in reverse: Vietnam’s economy thrives as top talents return (ASEAN TODAY)
June 14, 2018April 28, 2020John Pennington Deeper relations with South Korea brings diplomatic and economic opportunities (ASEAN TODAY)
May 28, 2018April 28, 2020John Pennington Continued Chinese investments in ASEAN e-commerce to boost local economy (ASEAN TODAY)
November 23, 2017April 28, 2020John Pennington Myanmar’s fluctuating and precarious growth story (ASEAN TODAY)
September 25, 2017April 28, 2020John Pennington How Insurtech is changing the ASEAN insurance economy (ASEAN TODAY)
March 15, 2017April 28, 2020John Pennington Jams everywhere but Thailand’s road network is anything but a picnic (ASEAN TODAY)